FUN THINGS...CLICK BELOW Updated with the blog


This one took a lot of planning:

Whole Wheat oil free sourdough toast
Fresh Blueberries

Why mix the blueberries into the cheeze?  Bite for bite you get more this way.  Always keep some of your homemade Cream Cheeze on hand.


Maybe not!  But as dinner, absolutely.  With a rich mushroom gravy you can't beat it.


1 pint crimini mushrooms sliced
1 red onion chopped
1 oz vermouth (optional)
1 tablespoon light soy
1 tablespoon Braggs Liquid Aminos
4 cup Roasted Vegetable Stock
1 teaspoon granulated garlic
1 teaspoon onion powder
3/4 teaspoon dry thyme (crushed)
1 teaspoon dried rosemary (crushed)
Crushed black pepper to taste
Sea Salt if you need it.  The soy and Braggs should be enough.
Thickening Slurry:
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour (almost any whole grain flour will work)
1/4 cup water
Mix the two together until you have a smooth paste

In a dry non-stick skillet brown the mushroom and onions.  Keep them moving in the pan.  If they begin to stick, add a little of the stock.  When they are completely browned and caramelized, deglaze the pan with the vermouth (or a little of the stock).  Add the herbs and spices and mix them in well.  Add the remaining stock, soy and aminos.  Reduce everything to intensify the flavors.  Add the slurry and keep stirring over medium low heat.  If the gravy thickens too much, add some plain water and continue cooking until you get the consistency you want.


50 tomato plants in the my first tomato. Can't buy this in the store.  Non GMO, Organic, Vine Ripened.  



Spicy Adobo Hummus Recipe

Make the traditional hummus recipe below, but also add Canned Chipotle Peppers and Adobo Sauce.  I used two peppers and about a teaspoon of the adobo sauce from the can, but you choose your own heat.

Juice of 2 1/2 lemons
2 15 oz cans of garbanzo beans
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon ground cumin (you can start with less and adjust up.  Easier to put in than take out)
1/2 14oz block of silken tofu with the water pressed out (this accounts for creaminess you would get from oil) After it's done, if you think it's not thick enough, add the second half...up to you)
about 3/4 tsp of sea salt and the same of ground black pepper
To really have fun, add a roasted jalapeno, seeds in or out, your choice
Blend all ingredients until they are creamy

For the Chips, preheat your oven to 350° F.  Cut your corn tortillas into quarters or eights (quarters cut in half again).  Heat for 15 minutes.  Keep an eye on them because ovens have hot spots and some may be done before the others.  I don't usually add salt to the chips since whatever you're dipping in usually has plenty.  If you want salt, put a teaspoon in a spray bottle with water and either let it dissolve for a couple of hours or boil it before putting it in the bottle.  Lightly spray the chips before putting them in the oven.


Happy Memorial up the q's.

This was a little something to start of this weekend grilling and chilling.  I made a Black Bean Burger with Spicy Adobo hummus on a 100% whole wheat, no oil bun with fresh avocado and bread and butter pickles.  Crunchy, spicy, creamy goodness.


OK, I know crepes have a certain lightness to them what with all of the egg you need.  This is just a fast and delicious alternative that has lots of possibilities from sweet to savory.  This particular one is for breakfast and is so easy.  Use my recipe for Roti and you're on your way. By the way, just to have Roti on hand, the dough freezes well.

Bananas Ken Roti

Make the Roti bread
Add sliced bananas
Pour on some maple syrup
Sprinkle with ground flax seed
Add some cinnamon
Eat and Repeat


This is a great book.  It answers relevant questions and dispels myths about eating a plant strong diet.  It also is filled with easy and delicious recipes.  Arm your arsenal of recipes with this book!  Kindle version also available.


If you have time to watch this, it's really interesting and educational.


This is a great appetizer or condiment.  Very easy and always a crowd pleaser.  

1 1/2 cups pitted Kalamata olives in brine
2 tablespoons capers
5 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tablespoons of chopped fresh thyme
1 teaspoon crushed black pepper

Rinse the olives and capers to remove excess salt and brine.  Put all of the ingredients in a food processor and blend until you have a chunky but smooth mixture (see the pictures).  


Sorry the photos a little blurry.  I'll update it later but wanted to get the post out.  After a long week out of town I wanted to whip something up for my sister and I quickly (her photo above).  This is what I came up with.

1 pint of sliced baby crimini mushrooms
3 cups of Roasted Vegetable Stock
3 teaspoons of curry powder
1 tablespoon of cumin powder
3 tablespoons of tomato paste
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1 head of fresh broccoli rough chop
1 cup beef seitan or rehydrated soy protein chunks (optional)
1/2 bunch of cilantro rough chop
1/2 cup non dairy milk (almond, coconut, soy)

Saute the mushrooms in a hot non-stick pan adding stock to keep from sticking.  After about 5 minutes, add the remaining stock and tomato paste.  Stir until mixed well.  Add the spices, garlic, broccoli and seitan if using.   Continue cooking until the broccoli is to your liking (about 7 minutes).  Stir in the non-dairy milk and reduce 2 minutes.  Serve over brown rice.  Garnish with chopped Cilantro.