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Spicy Adobo Hummus Recipe

Make the traditional hummus recipe below, but also add Canned Chipotle Peppers and Adobo Sauce.  I used two peppers and about a teaspoon of the adobo sauce from the can, but you choose your own heat.

Juice of 2 1/2 lemons
2 15 oz cans of garbanzo beans
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon ground cumin (you can start with less and adjust up.  Easier to put in than take out)
1/2 14oz block of silken tofu with the water pressed out (this accounts for creaminess you would get from oil) After it's done, if you think it's not thick enough, add the second half...up to you)
about 3/4 tsp of sea salt and the same of ground black pepper
To really have fun, add a roasted jalapeno, seeds in or out, your choice
Blend all ingredients until they are creamy

For the Chips, preheat your oven to 350° F.  Cut your corn tortillas into quarters or eights (quarters cut in half again).  Heat for 15 minutes.  Keep an eye on them because ovens have hot spots and some may be done before the others.  I don't usually add salt to the chips since whatever you're dipping in usually has plenty.  If you want salt, put a teaspoon in a spray bottle with water and either let it dissolve for a couple of hours or boil it before putting it in the bottle.  Lightly spray the chips before putting them in the oven.


  1. This looks great! I make my own but I never thought of putting tofu in it. I am going to make some tomorrow.

  2. Thanks! Let me know what you think. Whenever I make either one, people that say they hate hummus are usually the first ones back at the dipping trough.
