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Ah Lasagna.  So many different types, but they all have one thing in common....they take time.  This one is time consuming but worth it.  I did sort of use a couple of cheats like leftover Alfredo sauce and canned tomatoes (but you still have to make the marinara).  It was really inspired by my desire to use up a bunch of vegetables at once.  You can also cheat using no boil lasagna noodles but I find the boil method works best.  The no boil tends to dry out as it needs the liquid in the lasagna to help it cook in the oven.

1 box whole grain lasagna noodles, boil or no boil, your choice...this is made with boil  (If you use no boil use a bit more sauce)
2 cups alfredo sauce
1 head of broccoli steamed (about 2 cups)
2 leeks cleaned, sauteed (using only the white and light green parts.  Discard or compost the rest)
4 packed cups spinach
1 bunch fresh basil (about a cup)
2 small Italian Zucchini cut into circles and sauteed in a dry pan until browned but not completely cooked
1 large yellow squash cut lengthwise and sauteed in a dry pan until browned but not completely cooked
2 large yams peeled, boiled and mashed (if you don't peel them they should just come out of their skin when done)
2 Portabello mushrooms de-veined, sliced and sauteed in a dry pan until browned but not completely cooked
Steam the spinach and basil together and throw it in a large bowl of ice water (water including ice) to shock it and set the color.  When it's cooled remove and wrap in paper towels to dry.

Marinara Sauce:
(When making this sauce I would always double it as you can never have too much and it freezes well)
2 28 oz cans San Marzano whole peeled tomatoes (try to get low or no sodium and no sugar) Pomi is a good brand
1 teaspoon dry rosemary
1 teaspoon dry oregano
1 teaspoon dry thyme
2 Tablespoons onion powder
1 Tablespoon garlic powder
3 Tablespoons tomato paste
sea salt and pepper to taste
8 cloves fresh garlic

Prepare the lasagna noodles according to the directions on the box if using the boil method.

Mash the yams with a little almond milk, salt and pepper

Put the Alfredo Sauce in a Vitamix, blender or food processor.  Add the cooked broccoli and leeks then
blend until smooth.  Taste for seasoning.

Put the tomatoes in a Vitamix, blender or food processor and add the granulated garlic, onion powder, garlic, rosemary, oregano and thyme and blend until smooth.  Bring to a boil on the stove for about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350° Fahrenheit

Time to layer the lasagna.  In a large lasagna pan pour and spread one cup of the marinara sauce on the bottom of the pan.  Next, add some lasagna noodles covering the bottom of the pan.  Add some of the broccoli mixture, about 1 1/2 cups.  Next add the zucchini circles followed by another layer of noodles.  More marinara sauce and then the spinach and basil.  Add the sliced yellow squash and another layer of lasagna noodles.  Last later of broccoli mixture and the Portabello mushroom slices.  Cover this with a little more of the marinara sauce and another layer of noodles.  On the final layer of noodles spread the yam mixture evenly and swirl in a little more marinara.  Cover with aluminum foil making sure not to touch the top layer with the foil as it will stick.  I like to tent it a little but be creative.

Bake covered for 45 minutes then remove from the oven and uncover it to cool a bit before slicing.  Trick:  I find that if you cool it for about an hour and then slice it you don't have a big mess and then you can just warm it up before serving.  Nothing worse than having everything fall apart all over the plate.

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