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SHEPHERD'S PIE (Lentil Version)

I've already posted a version of this with seitan but, since seitan is not easily found, I created a different version using lentils.  My very picky aunt even loved this.


2 sweet onions chopped
2 celery ribs chopped
2 cups crimini mushrooms sliced
5 cloves of garlic rough chop
4 cups Roasted Vegetable Stock
2 teaspoons dried thyme crushed between your fingers
1 teaspoon granulated onion
1 teaspoon granulated garlic
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons ketchup
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
2 teaspoons Tamari
1 cup Textured Soy Protein TSP
1 cup cooked lentils
1 cup frozen peas
1 large carrot peeled and sliced into rounds
4 medium Yukon Gold Potatoes
1/4 cup of my Sour Cream  or Aioli
1/2 cup almond milk
sea salt to taste (about 3/4 teaspoon) for the mixture and the same amount for the potatoes
white pepper to taste

Caramelize the onions in a non stick skillet.  Add the celery and mushrooms and sauté until soft.  Add the garlic and thyme and continue to sauté for about two minutes.  Add 2 cups of the Roasted Vegetable Stock and the granulated onion and garlic.  Mix well and reduce for about 5 minutes.  Add the tomato paste, ketchup, crushed red pepper, tamari and carrots. Mix well and add the TSP.  The TSP will begin to hydrate and soak in a lot of the moisture.  If it becomes too dry, add more stock.  Continue to cook the mixture for about 10 minutes until it reduces and there's not much stock left.  Add the lentils and peas, and if it becomes too dry again, add more stock.  You may have some stock left over at the end.

Quarter the potatoes and add to a pot of cold water.  Cook for about 25 minutes until they are fork tender.
Drain and mash adding the almond milk, sour cream, salt and white pepper.

In a baking dish add the vegetable lentil mixture.  Smooth out the top and add the mashed potatoes.  Loosely cover with aluminum foil and put in a preheated 350 degree over for 45 minutes.  Remove the aluminum and bake for another 15.  If you want, you can briefly put the pie under a broiler to get a little browning going on the top.

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