FUN THINGS...CLICK BELOW Updated with the blog


I've been slowly reorganizing the Recipe Section of the blog.  In doing so I noticed that Hummus never had it's own post.  It's such a versatile ingredient and this oil free version is amazing.  


Juice of 2 1/2 lemons
2 15 oz cans of garbanzo beans
1/4 cup tahini
5 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon ground cumin (you can start with less and adjust up.  Easier to put in than take out)
1/2 14oz block of silken tofu with the water pressed out (this accounts for creaminess you would get from oil) After it's done, if you think it's not thick enough, add the second half...up to you)
3/4 - 1 tsp of sea salt (to your taste) and the same of ground black pepper
To really have fun, add a roasted jalapeno or roasted bell red peppers, seeds in or out, your choice
Blend all ingredients until they are creamy

I like to buy the whole wheat, no oil lavash (Trader Joe's carries it) and bake the sheets in the oven until crispy at 350 degrees, break them up and you have chips for dipping.

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