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Rice and beans Delicious go to snack

Just thought I'd do a quick post on a delicious dish that has a complete protein (more about that later). This is a great dish eaten either hot or cold and as a meal or snack. Proportions are
 not important, but this is a starting point for you, and you can get creative from there

4 cups of cooked brown rice
2 red bell peppers diced (About a cup)
1 medium red onion diced
1 can sweet corn with juice (2 cups of fresh or frozen)
3 14 oz. cans your favorite beans rinced (black are great) (about 5 cups cooked)
3 Tbls Braggs Liquid Aminos (any store usually by the sauces)
1 bunch cilantro chopped
1 bunch of mint
As much cracked black pepper as you like
2 tbls ground cumin
If you don't want to do braggs amino, start out with a teaspoon of sea salt and do it to taste from there.
1/8 cup red wine vinegar
1/8 cup rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Optional diced jalapeƱo

Mix all and enjoy!


  1. This is the best! I could eat it by the bucket!

  2. Also try the same recipe using Quinoa. It's has all of the essential amino acids and is delicious.
