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One of the things people ask me about all the time is how you deal with the "gassiness" of this nutritional program?  Fair question, and I know the "feeling".

Let's face it, our bodies aren't used to an oil free, plant based diet.  We're used to focusing our meals around fatty meats, cheese, white starches (as in pasta and rice), and keeping the grains, veggies, and legumes on the "side dish" portion of the plate.  I read an article recently where someone inquired about the change that would take place in our digestive system when we switched to a totally plant based diet.  As one possible cause for the discomfort someone suggested that the enzymes created in our intestines to break down the food would change since they were so used to the onslaught of fats, oils and sugars.

I'm not  doctor, but I do know that over time the symptoms will subside.  A friend of mine recently asked me about this and I inquired as to what a typical day would be.  I was impressed that it was a pretty vegetable laden diet and beans weren't mentioned much, so the the theory addressed in the title of this post goes out the window. Here's what I said:

Doesn't look like you're eating a lot of beans, so that theory is out.  You do have to drink a ton of water to flush everything through your system.  I would up my grains a bit as they are more binding.  We eat a LOT of sourdough whole wheat bread, Costco coaches oats with bananas...and brown rice, brown rice, brown rice (which I covered under tools and gadgets on the blog).  The recipe in Engine 2 Diet for french toast is delicious.  If you do eat beans, try making them from scratch.  I just buy a bunch of different kinds of dried, red, pinto, white, fava, garbanzo.  Rinse them and cover them with about 2 inches of water.  Soak them over night and then rinse them again.  Then, with clean water, start to boil them without adding any spices, especially salt as it will seal the outside of them and they'll never soften.  Scoop the foam that develops off (a trick I use is three paper towels folded up and just lift the foam out).    I would change the water in the pot about half way through the 2 hour cooking time and thereby getting rid of some of the gassy causing starchiness.  If you make a huge batch you can freeze the cooked beans in serving size zip locks and have a healthier version at the ready anytime you want them.  Spice the beans when you use them to cook.  Together with Brown rice they make a complete protein, especially the black beans.  And finally, just give it time.  I still get a little gassy at times, but that's part and parcel of a healthy, fiber filled diet.  But it calms down and you will appreciate the fact that it's cleaning out your colon.  

Just mix up all of the different types of food you can eat during the day.  You won't get bored and your body will thank you.

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