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If you've ever made burgers without meat, it can be a little tricky getting them to stay together.  The worst thing that happens is when you go to barbecue them and they fall through the grates. These hold their form even on a bar-b.  And flavor? Plenty here!  Can be a little spicy if you like things on the milder side...but if you see Sriracha in a recipe, you know what to expect.


8 cups black beans (rinsed if they are canned.  The quantity is roughly 4 15 oz cans)
3 rounded tablespoons vital wheat gluten
1 1⁄2 cups diced red or sweet onion finely diced
2 pints rough chopped brown mushrooms (4 cups)
1⁄2 cup diced roasted bell pepper finely diced
1/2 cup vegetable stock or water
4 cloves garlic diced minced
1⁄2 cup chopped cilantro
1⁄2 cup Sriracha
2 Tbl Braggs aminos
3 teaspoons ground black pepper
2 1⁄2 cups whole wheat or sourdough breadcrumbs
2 Tbl Ancho Chili Powder (optional.  Adds smokiness not heat)
2 tablespoons flax-seed meal mixed together with 6 tablespoons water and let it sit to gel for 10 minutes or longer. (tip:  I keep already gelled flax-seed meal in a jar in the fridge so I always have some ready to go on hand.  Because it creates an oily texture it holds up for awhile)

In a hot, non-stick skillet, add the onion and mushrooms.  When they begin to stick to the pan, loosen them with a little vegetable stock or water and keep sauteing until they are soft and then, right before they're done, add the roasted red peppers and garlic.

Partially mash the black beans then mix all of the ingredients together except the flaxseed mixture.  Let it sit for about 15 minutes for everything to absorb.   If it’s too dry and not binding when you’re making the burgers, add the flaxseed 1 tablespoon at a time.


1/4 cup Sriracha
1/2 cup Aioli Mayo or your favorite plant based mayonnaise
1/2 cup Ketchup

Serve with your favorite pickles, avocado, lettuce, tomato and if you're really daring, sliced jalapeno!


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