Learning to eat to live, not live to eat. . . . . Check out the recipes, stories and quick links. . . .LOADS OF USEFUL INFORMATION!
FUN THINGS...CLICK BELOW Updated with the blog
WFPB PRIMER Whole Foods Plant Based
If you're wondering how or why to make a lifestyle change, I would suggest first watching the Documentary Forks Over Knives which is available on Netflix instant streaming or for purchase on the website. This gives an overview of how eating certain foods are killing us and causing chronic, often reversible diseases. It's not a diet it's a lifestyle. One of the benefits of eating this way is your body will go to it's ideal weight without any effort other than a change in your habits.
I would follow this up with Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn as it explains how to reverse chronic heart disease, lower cholesterol and get your blood pressure in order just from eating the right foods and eliminating others from your diet.
Next I would check out T. Colin Campbell's new book Whole available on Amazon.
Then I would read The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall. This website has lots of amazing information.
If all of this doesn't give you "food" for thought and a little light, summer reading I don't know what will. You can always refer to this website/blog for great recipes and helpful information. Enjoy!