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An unusually hot spring kicked my Summer Harvest into and early Spring Harvest.  Can't wait for the rest to come in but lots of herbs, lettuce, corn, peppers and tomatoes, tomatoes tomatoes.  Already had more zucchini this year than I had all of last year.  Basil usually comes available late June and I have more than I know what to do with already.

But on the flip side, the Green Horned Tomato worms (which also like peppers, potatoes and eggplant) are already munching away.  Killed a 3/12 in one yesterday.  Got to get on more of that homemade organic spray of apple cider vinegar, garlic and cayenne pepper.  My trick is to follow the poop trail of the worm either early morning or late afternoon and it usually leads to a worm or two.  In case you're wondering what wasps are good for, they kill horn worms by laying their eggs on the worm and using it as nutrition.    Here's more information about these pests.

So, make some Aioli and enjoy a fresh picked organic tomato sandwich.

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