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I'm introducing a new section that will show people what I make on a daily basis.  One of the biggest complaints I hear from people is that this is so hard, so I thought I'd document, as often as I can remember, what I made and what I bought that was already made.  You can check in on this page by clicking on the tab TODAY I at the top of the blog.  I'll have the most current date at the top.  I'm obviously not eating all of this and I do give some of the food to my twin aunts that in a nursing home because I want them to be able to continue on a WFPB diet.

February 11, 2014

2 loaves of sourdough bread with chia seeds and flaxseed meal
2 pumpkin/banana breads
1 batch of cream cheeze
1 batch of aioli mayo
1 pot of split pea with lentil soup
For food; today I ate a bowl of cheerios with bananas and almond milk, honey crisp apple, toast with cream cheeze, pistachios, bowl of roasted cauliflower soup, not so beefy stew, Green salad

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