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This interesting video explains the benefits of eating your vitamins (antioxidants) rather than taking supplements.

The vitamins in food act together like a symphony to create the balance of necessary vitamins and nutrients your body needs to fight off disease.  If you have an abundance of one particular vitamin your body will store it to be used when it needs it.  Studies show that it is impossible to say one vitamin will help you with one particular ailment when, in fact, it's a combination of all of the vitamins and nutrients you get from food working together to benefit your body's needs.  It's the marketing by pharmaceutical and supplements companies that sell you on a particular drug or supplement.  Don't believe everything they tell you about "The Magic Bullet".  Eating right is all you need.

It's really simple, to save big money and improve your health:

1.  Don't buy or take supplements
2.  Don't buy or eat animal products ever (meat, fish, poultry)
3.  Don't buy or eat dairy or eggs
4.  Eat Food.  Not too much.  Mostly Plants. Michael Pollan, Author, Journalist

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