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I threw in everything but the kitchen sink.  The trick to this is to do things in layers so you don't have one thing overcooked and something else under-cooked.

1 carrot chopped
4 celery stalks chopped
1 large onion chopped
8 cloves of garlic thinly sliced
2 russet potatoes quartered and sliced
2 small yams halved and sliced into rounds
1 large parsnip peeled and rough chopped
1 small head of broccoli cut the florets off and dice the stalks keeping the two separate
1 large zucchini halved and sliced
1 head of lacinato kale deveined and chopped
1 15 oz can of kidney beans (rinsed well)
1 15 oz can of pinto beans (rinsed well)
1 15 oz can of garbanzo beans (rinsed well)
15 oz can low sodium diced tomatoes
10 cups Roasted Vegetable Stock (or other low or no sodium vegetable stock)
1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme
1 1/2 teaspoons dried rosemary (crushed)
1 tablespoon smoked paprika
2 teaspoons smoked sea salt (or regular works as well)
1 teaspoon crushed black pepper

Saute the carrot, celery and onion in a dry non-stick pan using the stock to keep it from sticking.  Add the garlic and continue the saute until you can smell the garlic cooking. When the vegetables begin to soften, sprinkle them with the oregano, thyme, rosemary and paprika.  Add the rinsed beans and Vegetable Stock..  Add the potatoes and yams.  You are going to bring this mixture to a slow boil and continue until the potatoes and yams soften.  Add the salt and pepper.

In a steamer first steam the parsnip and the broccoli stalks for about 3 minutes.  Add the broccoli florets and steam for another 2 minutes.  Finally add the kale and steam until the leaves are tender, about 3 more minutes.  Add all of these to the pot with the stock and beans mixture.  Mix well and test for seasonings.

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