FUN THINGS...CLICK BELOW Updated with the blog


My Dad and Me March 2013

After over a hundred posts and a little over a year on this 100% Whole Foods, 100% plant strong and no oil journey, a little update on what's happening and what I've learned.

My Grand Nephew and Me April 2013

I've lost about 35 pounds going from 205 to 170 lbs.  I've pretty much settled in at the 170 mark, which supports my theory that your body knows where it should be.  Doesn't matter what I eat, as long as it's whole foods, I stay within 1 or 2 pounds of this weight.  I was never really weight conscious to begin with, but now I'm curious just to see how the nutrition plan is playing out.  Like I said in my first blog, as I got older the weight began creeping up as I became less active.  I'm still no longer on any medication, including Prilosec as the acid reflux is still gone.  The directions I gave in the comment section of my first blog, using Apple Cider Vinegar, got me off Prilosec, and the diet which didn't contain any animal fats or protein and includes no dairy seemed to help in keeping my body in a more alkaline state.

The recipe section of the blog now contains links to over 50 of my recipes.  Not a bad number considering I've only posted 133 blogs.  That's almost one recipe every 2 1/2 days.  Considering I eat a LOT of leftovers and also test recipes before I post them, I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

For the Sourdough people out there I've put all three links to directions for the perfect Sourdough bread under the Daily Bread tab at the top of the blog.

It's still a little frustrating that so many people read the blog and so few comment.  I have had some great responses to the blog, but it's usually by word of mouth, email, Facebook etc.  I'm not sure how to make posting comments any easier and if people let me know about problems they are having posting comments, I can address them.

I hope to have a couple of blogs about some people that have amazing stories to tell about their journey down this path and how it has saved or changed their life for the better.  That's what makes doing this worth while.

So, aside from the obvious aging, here's me from the 80's through the 90's and to the present so you can compare the heavier and lighter me.

1 comment:

  1. You never looked heavy to me, but you definitely look just right now!
