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This is a simple and delicious dish...especially if you took my advice and froze some of the Roasted Vegetable Marinara. This meal was a combination of "I don't feel like cooking, what do I need to use in the refrigerator before it goes bad and what do I have in my pantry that will tie it all together".

This is creamy, and if you choose to go there, spicy.


2 cups marinara
4-6 cloves fresh garlic sliced
1/4 pound 100% whole wheat thin spaghetti
1 15 oz can cannellini beans rinsed
2 cups fresh baby spinach
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)

Boil the water for the pasta. Begin cooking the pasta according to the instructions.
Heat a saucepan for 1 minute. Add the sliced garlic and keep it moving around until it browns. add the marinara and beans. When there is one minute left on the pasta, transfer it directly from the water to the sauce to continue cooking. Add the spinach one half at a time. After the first batch wilts, add the second batch and serve while it's still uncooked. Add the red pepper flakes if you're using them. Serve immediately. Serves two.

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