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A lot has been said and debated this week regarding the study that says a Mediterranean diet is the way to go.  I will say that it is better than the American or Western diet, but it's far from perfect...and adding at lest 3 unnecessary tablespoons of fat a day is about as ridiculous as it sounds.

You can find studies that will represent your side of the argument all over the internet.  I encourage everyone to do some research and make up your own minds.  Remember that you should always look at who is sponsoring and who benefits from the study.

I've approached this style of eating for health reasons period.  All of the research I've done as well as my own health, have given me everything I need to stick with the program.  One month away from a year on the plan and I've never felt better.  More energy, 35 lbs less weight, low cholesterol, low blood pressure, clearer mind....I'm sold.

You have to have the conviction to adopt this way of eating regardless of what your friends and family tell you.  There are naysayers everywhere, but in reality it's your life to live.  Don't force your plant based diet on others, merely lead by example.  Listen to the noise, and continue what you're doing.

I've done a little research for you so I'll add a couple more links about the Mediterranean diet here.

Check out these links as well.

From Nuts to Oil Link

Dr. Esselstyn tackles the Mediterranean Diet

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