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A Quick Recap of Why Whole Foods, Plant Based N(o)il

I know a lot of people don't have a long attention span when it comes to things educational, especially health related informtion.  Iin the past, I've recommended that everyone watch the film Forks Over Knives, read the books The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, or  Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease by Caldwell Esselstyn.  Here is a 5 minute quick review of why I do the Whole Food, n(o)il way of eating.  They say they are going to break for commercials about halfway through but it's only about a 3 second pause and then they continue the discussion.

It occurs to me that we are all procrastinators when it comes to our health.  We wait for some bad news to happen to us or a loved one before we take care of business.  If more people would get into the preventive health mindset, many, if not all Western Diet related disease would be lowered if not eradicated, including the obesity rate, the numbers of people with Type II Diabetes, those who are suffering from various cancers, and finally vascular diseases (which is the most prevalent cause of many illnesses in this country). 

Take the time and give this a quick watch....maybe it will inspire you to watch the film, read the books, and get your health under control.  You'll feel better, look better and wonder why you didn't do this a long time ago.


  1. Hey Ken! Ashley and I would love to have some of your homemade bread recipes. Especially the Sourdough and Whole Wheat. Are they already posted or on another site?


  2. I don't have them posted because no one has expressed interest. I have them in my head and would recommend next time you're in the OC to get some starter from me as that's the biggest hurdle in sourdough. I've been doing this for a couple of years now and am finally finding a consistency in the loaves. I'm going to try hamburger and hot dog buns today, but yeast, not sourdough.
