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The Good, The Bad and the Not So Tasty

I’m not one to get political here on my blog as I don’t think this is the appropriate forum (or Facebook for that matter), but I am passionate about something that affects us all and it does have to do with health and nutrition, it’s a non-partisan issue, oh, and it’s my blog…the issue is about GMO vs. Non-GMO.

California has an initiative on its ballot this year that at face value seems like a no brainer.  At issue is whether or not the food industry should label products GMO (Genetically Modified Organics) if, in fact the ingredients they use are.  A great deal of our corn, soybean, cotton, wheat, canola, sorghum and sugar cane products in this country (and around the world) are grown with GMO seeds (in the 90-98% range), and since so many of our products contain some or all of either of these ingredients, it will be on a lot of labels from fresh and canned fruits and vegetables, baked goods containing flour and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup.

A little history about my thinking on this.  Back when they were first proposing modifying the genetics of our food in order to make them more drought and pest resistant (the 1980S) and to grow bigger crops that produce higher yields, I was all for it.  I thought that if they could come up with a way to “improve” upon what we already have, that’s where science shines.  Since then I have evolved in my thinking, which is ok to do if you make an informed evolution.

The GMO products on the market are modified to kill weeds and insects, be more drought tolerant and make those delicious tomatoes that we buy in the store nowadays that look beautiful but are completely devoid of flavor.  Now maybe it’s just me, but if I’m eating something that is modified to kill an insect or weed like you do with Raid or Roundup, I have to believe there’s low levels of something that can’t be good for humans either.  And I really do believe that initially they won’t kill us.  I don’t think you’ll drop dead from drinking a soda.  The problem for me, and though these foods have been “generally regarded as safe” by the FDA, is that there was never any long term study done as to their effects on us over time.  Now they’re finding that low doses in animals actually do cause rather rapid and large tumors as well as kidney and liver failure.  I’m sure the study that they did will have its detractors, usually doctors and scientists paid by the industry, but what it seems like to me is that we, the consumer, are becoming the lab rats for the industry and at some point down the road the effects of this practice will become known.

What Proposition 37 does is offer the consumer a choice to decide whether they want to gamble on the agricultural industry.  Recently there was a big announcement that Organic Food is not nutritionally any better for you than non-Organic food.  I, personally, never thought it was.  For me buying Organic was making a choice not to ingest pesticides period.  By labeling our food GMO and non GMO we get to make a decision on what we eat and drink.  This requirement doesn’t come into effect until 2014, and buy then I think the industry can change their labelling without added cost….they’re just asking them to print on the label whether ingredients used in the end product contain Genetically Modified Organics.

California, which is one of the largest producers of rice in the world, won’t use GMO rice seeds as the Asian Market who buys most of the rice, won’t buy it. 

The Anti-Prop 37 (no on Proposition 37) people that are throwing millions of dollars at the initiative are Monsanto, the people that bring us GMO seeds (they hold most of the seed patents) and are manufacturers of roundup (remember the old Disneyland ride to the future), Dow Agroscience, Conagra,  Bayer Cropscience (the company that makes the product they suspect killed off the bee population over the last several years), Kraft, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and others in the food and agriculture industry…you get the picture. 

I just think we have a right to know what we’re eating and make an informed choice.

I’m just sayin!

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