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Bulgogi (Korean BBQ)

Bulgogi is a Korean BBQ beef dish that is sweet and spicy.  I used the Soy Protein I bought the other day to attempt to make this delicious dish.  It's also popular chopped up and served on a bun with tomato and mayo (vegan of course)

2 cups dried Textured Soy Protein pieces
4 cups boiling water

1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1 tablespoon sherry (or cooking sherry)
3 tablespoons agave syrup
1 tsp red pepper flakes (I used this and fresh chilis and jalapeƱo since they were in the garden)
4 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 tsp fresh ginger (grated)
Cracked Black Pepper to taste
4 green onions chopped into 1/4 inch rings

In a large bowl, pour the boiling water on the Soy Protein pieces and let them sit for about 10 minutes.  Push all pieces under water so that they all completely re-hydrate.  After they are done soaking, remove them from the water and let them cool.  When they are done cooling, with your hand, squeeze out as much water as you can without destroying the shape of the pieces.

Mix all of the marinade together and pour into a zip lock bag.  Add the Protein pieces, remove the air from the bag and zip it shut.  Move the marinade around to coat all of the pieces.  Every now and the move everything around in the zip lock.

Marinate for at least an hour or up to 8 hours.

Heat a non stick pan until it's almost smoking (and turn on your fan if you have one).  Put the Soy Protein slices in the pan one layer thick.  They will brown really fast because of the agave syrup, so don't go anywhere.  Keep everything in the pan moving with a non stick pan friendly utensil (wooden or plastic).  

This would be great with lots of sauteed vegetables and served on brown rice.

This is the before picture when it's still in the dry state.

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