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Remember to KISS

Sometimes you've just got to "keep it simple stupid".  It was still really hot at dinner time and I didn't feel like adding fuel to the heat by using the oven or stove.  On top of that I was just craving a really big salad.  Funny thing about this salad; in the past this would have been added as a side dish for about 6 people....but no, just me.

1 head romaine lettuce, cleaned and chopped into bite size pieces
1/2 medium sized cucumber, peel on or off, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup brine soaked and rinsed kalamata olives, chopped (not the kind packed in olive oil)
1 whole red bell pepper (love my summer garden) chopped
1 cup chickpeas cooked or canned (aka garbanzo beans)
1 large tomato, chopped
2 cups cooked kale chopped

Ken's 2-Of Salad Dressing

2 tbl of Ken's Aioli or Mayo
2 tbl of dijon mustard
2 oz. of apple cider vinegar
2 oz. of rice wine vinegar
2 tsp of herbs de provence
2 pinches of sea salt
2 grinds of black pepper
Shake vigorously twice and enjoy


  1. That looks and sounds amazing!!! Thx

  2. Oh, y am I cooking the Kale?

  3. Thanks KriO'B . I think the Kale steamed just tastes better, though you can do it raw but I would cut out the rib of the kale in that case. I leave most of it in when I steam.
