FUN THINGS...CLICK BELOW Updated with the blog


Just thought I would post the inspiration that started this blog.  My brother, his wife and a group of friends went to Paso Robles for a little wine tasting back in July.  We stayed at a great B&B and had the first night meal catered.  The caterer was more than happy to do a vegan meal for my brother, sister-in-law and me, while the others ate the non vegan food.  As is usually the case, people were intrigued by our eating so conversation about it ensued.  Why, is it easy, don't you miss meat and dairy, especially cheese?  I said it was for health reasons, I was a huge carnivore and loved expensive cheese.

Over the course of the next couple of days, one couple we just met was particularly curious about our eating habits.  They said cheese would be a real problem, and were also curious as to how we got our protein.  While explaining the usual about getting protein from all sorts of places, they flat out didn't believe us when we said spinach was one of our best sources.

The next morning before breakfast we found out that they googled what we said and confirmed that it was correct.

When we said our good-byes I didn't think any of the 15 people took to heart anything that we said, only believing that our plant strong diet was more of a curiosity than anything anyone would want to partake in.

Fast forward 2 weeks later and I received an email from the couple, whose names I will leave out as this is their journey, not are the emails from them and responding emails from my brother and I.

Friend:  Well we have been vegan since the Sunday we left Paso.  I have lost 10 pounds and feel good.  My husband has lost 8 and had to use suspenders to hold his pants up.  We are without a kitchen since the granite is being installed so it has been difficult but we go out to vegan restaurants.  It is really hard to think of things to eat.  Eggs aren’t considered dairy, but an animal byproduct.  Why don’t you eat them?  You may have just changed my life in a good way!!!  I am hoping to stay off Simvastatin. 

Ken:  WOW!  That's AWESOME!  As if it's not challenging enough to find a new way to eat, being without a kitchen has to be trying.

First, the reason we don't eat eggs besides the cholesterol reason, is the casein in them which is also the reason for no dairy or meat.  If you haven't already, Forks over Knives is a great way to see how and why we do it.  Engine 2 Diet with Rip Esselstyn is another one worth watching just for ideas about cooking and his book version of the same has great recipes.  That's where I got the Lasagne recipe.

Normally for breakfast I have 100% whole wheat toast, peanut butter (without added oil and sugar) and bananas, coffee and fresh squeezed oj.  Or Oatmeal with bananas or berries (the slow cooked kind as the instant cuts out all the benefits of the oats), or a tomato sandwich on whole wheat bread.  In place of eggs I take medium firm tofu (squeeze out all of the excess water by wrapping it in a towel and putting heavy weight like a heavy skillet on it), non GMO which means it's not genetically modified organic.  Most soy comes from california and is genetically modified so avoid that.  Mash up the tofu in your hands over a non stick skillet and add salsa, vegetarian refried beans (or any other beans), cilantro and broken up oil free corn tortilla chips.  Tastes just like chilaquilles if you've had them.

Lunch can be a huge salad with balsamic vinegar, or lemon, or dijon mustard with red wine vinegar.  Bean and Rice burritos with salsa and avocados are great.  Grilled veggie sandwich.  

Dinner can be all kinds of things.  Red beans and rice, Vegetable wraps with no oil hummus and assorted veggies and spinach.  Almost anything you're craving has been made by someone vegan style.  Nutritional Yeast is great for cheese replacement in recipes as it has the texture and taste of parmesan.  Braggs liquid aminos is great instead of soy sauce and has complete amino acids that you need in your diet.

Anytime you have a question or need guidance, please feel free to email or call.  Potatoes and whole wheat bread are your friend so enjoy them as well.  Just watch the added oils on the ingredient list of everything.  You'll be shocked at how much unnecessary oil they add to food.
Friend:  Great ideas thanks. So if a recipe calls for oil any oil do you just leave it out or use something else?

Ken:  I always leave it out, but depending on the recipe, I might add something in it's place.  To saute vegetables get yourself a silpat, put it on a cookie sheet and roast them in the oven either chopped or whole or roast over the grill on a bbq.  

Snacks are tough but we found a way around it.   There is a hummus on the market without oil, however I make my own.  Trader Joe's has whole wheat lavash (Mediterranean flat bread) and I bake a sheet of it in the oven until crispy (275 degrees) and then break it up into chips.  Judy and I bought something by Mastrad at Bed Bath and Beyond for $20 that you can slice potatoes (they include a small mandoline) and stick in the microwave for 4 minutes and have the best chips you've ever eaten.  We soak them in straight vinegar for about 10 minutes after slicing, sprinkle a little sea salt on them and put in the microwave.  You can also use corn tortillas cut up.  Another great gadget is at some of the costcos for $70 and it's an air frier which you can make french fries and onion rings without ANY oil.  The Forks over knives explains why oil is bad, but you can also read the book by Colin Campbell :the China Study" or Dr. Esselstyn "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease", both of which are featured in the film (which is instant view on Netflix) Fork's over Knives.

Email conversations have gone back and forth, no going on 2 months later.  They are still working through the challenges, but I think starting all of this without a kitchen is amazing....and sticking to it!  They are both doing well and I'll keep you posted with any updates.

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