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Brunch anyone

I have been asked to blog about breakfast ideas.  I know I've touched on them in other blogs, but more about it here.


I like Oatmeal.  Especially if it's prepared properly (and only if it's whole oats, steel cut oats or Costco Coach's Oats).  I have a rice cooker with a delay timer and you can set it up in the morning to be ready when you wake up.  Don't use the measuring cup that comes with it...use the real deal(s).  The cups that you have floating around in your drawers, and you know you do, are what you measure DRY ingredients with.  The glass one with all of the confusing lines on it is the WET ingredient measuring cup.  There IS a difference.  Measure one cup of oats with the dry cup and 3 cups of water (or I like plain almond milk) and put it all in your rice cooker.  Cook (or delay cook) on the brown rice setting (or porridge if your cooker has one).  Instant oatmeal is an assault of sugar on your system.  All of the parts of the oatmeal that give you any benefit are stripped away and it's like eating white bread.   Add a little honey, maple syrup or agave syrup with some cut up bananas or berries and you've got a great meal. (you can even add crushed flax seed for additional fiber)


This next recipe comes from Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet with my spin.  This is FRENCH TOAST.

Take a whole banana and crush it (use the food processor or blender for speed) with 1 1/12 cups of almond milk, a sprinkling of cinnamon, 3/4 tsp real vanilla extract, and a couple grates of nutmeg.  You just want a creamy consistency.  Heat a non stick pan until it's very hot and a drop of water dances on it.  Remember, no oil.  Take thick slices of whole grain bread and quickly dip each side in the batter mixture.  Cook in the pan about 2 minutes on each side.  Serve with Maple syrup and you'll never miss the egg and milk french toast again.


I love this recipe and so did all of the people I made it for.  This was always my favorite way to eat eggs, so I had to come up with a Vegan version.  Take some corn tortillas and brown them on your burner or in a non stick pan...this just gives them some flavor and cooks out the raw taste of the tortillas.  

Use a package of Non GMO tofu, any kind you have around.
Half bunch of cilantro, chopped
Two good tomatoes (squeeze out the juice with your hands) chopped
Your favorite salsa, about a cup
Rip the tortillas into strips or just roughly rip them apart
1/2 tsp Turmeric (optional.  Adds color to the eggs but also good for you)
1/2 can vegetarian refried beans or cooked (canned and rinsed) black beans
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
Sliced Avocado

In a hot non stick no oil skillet, squeeze the tofu into the pan and keep mushing it up until you get the
consistency of scrambled eggs.  There is a lot of water in tofu, but it should evaporate fast.  When you think it's pretty dry, sprinkle the turmeric over the tofu and stir to coat.  Add in this order, the sweet paprika, red pepper flakes, chopped tomatoes, ripped tortillas, cilantro.  Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper if needed.  Add the refried or black beans either directly to the dish, which I prefer, or on the side when you serve.  Plate it up and put a little salsa on it or in a serving bowl and decorate with sliced avocado...You can also sprinkle Nutritional Yeast on it before you serve.


This is an easy go to breakfast and can be served many ways.  Some of my favorites are Peanut Butter (no added oil so check the label)  with sliced bananas.   Sliced tomatoes with avocado and fresh chopped basil (for a little bonus, first put on some of that delicious Aioli you made from the recipe section)


Whole Wheat Lavash or No Oil whole wheat tortillas
2 russet potatoes clean and chopped into 1 inch squares, skin on, boiled for 20 minutes
chopped red or white onion
sliced mushrooms, either white or crimini (brown)
Dice 2 whole tomatoes
cleaned baby spinach
Any type of beans you have around
chopped cilantro (optional)
favorite hot sauce or salsa
(optional, cook up some Tofu scramble as described in Chilaquiles above)
In a non stick skillet brown the onions and mushrooms.  They will create their own oil so, and of course, DON'T ADD ANY...not even PAM.  If they start to stick because you have a really old, useless and scratched non stick pan...go to Costco and buy the three pack, or just add a little water.  Add the potatoes and brown them as well.  Assemble them in whatever order you like, however I think you put in the potato, onion, mushroom mixture, add a couple tablespoons of beans, a sprinkling of diced tomatoes, tofu scramble if you're using it, a handful of spinach and shake on any hot sauce or salsa you like.


  1. Would coconut milk work as a sub for almond milk in the oatmeal?

    1. Unfortunately, coconut milk is high in fat and has been linked to heart disease. I prefer almond milk over soy milk, and I prefer the plain over vanilla. Besides hot cereal I use it on cold cereal, mashed potatoes, when I make bread and just about anywhere I would use milk. The canned coconut milk is 87% fat and the lite is 80%.
